Keynote Speakers



University Professor, University of Rouen Normandie, "Centre interdisciplinaire de Recherche Normand en Education et Formation" laboratory, CIRNEF, UR 7454. Specialist in technology in education.

Her research focuses on social learning environments and distance learning in adult education, based on the concept of space. It contributes to the development of theme 2: "Professionnalité(s) et professionnalisation: temporalités, espaces transformations" and theme 3: "Espaces sociaux, dispositifs et numérique en éducation et formation" (Ednef). Generally speaking, all of her research is now aimed at producing knowledge on what would be the space of capabilities and the 'capacitating distance' in education.

Keynote Speech

Dimensions of learning and knowledge in the age of artificial intelligence



Professor of psychology and cognitive science at the University of Bordeaux since 2014. Her research focuses mainly on digital technologies for cognition at all ages of life with or without cognitive disabilities. Her work at INRIA is carried out within the FLOWERS project-team (INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest) and the ACTIVE team at the BPH lab (Inserm-Univ. Bordeaux).

Her research focuses on situated cognition, its failures and the use of digital technologies (virtual reality, communicating objects, serious games, machine learning) as tools for assessment, (re)education and cognitive compensation. The major challenges are the design, development, ergonomic inspection (usability, user experience, acceptability, in particular) and empirical validation of innovative digital devices that are intrinsically motivating for the user/learner in order to facilitate their adoption and (re)educational effectiveness. Her work combines research in computer science, cognitive engineering of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with research in rehabilitation sciences (neuropsychology) and educational sciences.

Keynote Speech

Educational technologies at the service of curiosity-based learning: Illustration using the KidLearn adaptive system and the KidsAsk platform with primary school children.
