
AI and the Future of Education

Our Distinguished Speakers

Dr V. Avinash Oojorah

Senior Lecturer

Mauritius Institute of Education

Shyam R. Seebun, FMIoD, MBA, MSc


Institute of Marketing & Management

Dr Waaiza Udhim

Senior Lecturer

Mauritius Institute of Education

Prof Kiran Bhujun

Director Tertiary Education

Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, Mauritius

Béatrice Verquin Savarieau

University Professor

University of Rouen Normandie, "Centre interdisciplinaire de Recherche Normand en Education et Formation" laboratory, CIRNEF, UR 7454. Specialist in technology in education

Hélène Sauzeon

Professor of psychology and cognitive science

University of Bordeaux, France
